Cheaper Malice

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Is Open Source the Vehicle to Reach the Automated Economy?

I had a brilliant idea in the shower this morning. A couple of them, actually. I was thinking about my idea for a robot lawn mower. Think Roomba for your lawn. I was thinking about how there are several components needed, requiring innovation from several areas of expertise: mechanical, motors, energy storage, computing, sensing, etc. […]

The Opposite of “Aerodynamic” is “Bearodynamic”

Montana, I am told, is a place with bears.  Brown bears.  The big, aggressive kind of bears.  Probably not all of Montana, but certainly the national forests and parks in northwestern Montana.  There are black bears also, but brown bears are literally a whole other animal: bigger, bolder, less likely to back down, and less […]

March Has Been a Good Month

I have finally found a good lighting solution for my sound stage.  Lithonia Lighting is now selling linkable LED strips.  The 4-foot ones are 3200 lumens.  You buy a power cord for one and linking cords for the rest, and you only need one outlet.  They are silent, compact, and easily mountable.  They have a […]