Cheaper Malice

An anagram

Will a Female President Harm Women’s Rights?

[Disclaimer: This is not, of course, a suggestion that we should try to avoid having a female President. Rather, it is an attempt to see the future.] The election of Barack Obama to the office of President was a huge win for Black Americans. However, it had an unforeseen side effect. The insult to racist […]

What is not Taught about Pre-Nazi History

Concerning the Holocaust, the phrase “never forget, never again” is frequently thrown around.  The idea is that knowledge of the past can help us prevent repeating the same mistakes.  However, I wonder if we are remembering the wrong part of that history.  Particularly, the historical circumstances that led us to the Holocaust.  I wonder this […]

November Minutiae

Anyone who tells you that Cat’s Cradle is science-fiction is fucking with you.  Or else they don’t know what science-fiction is.  Yes, it contains a bit of science-fiction as a plot element.  Yes, the science is reasonably sound.  It also contains a made-up religion, but no one categorizes it as a religious text.  It is […]

Little Stuff

The other weekend, I had time and inclination to find a new trail to walk.  I drove down to Valley View Glades Natural Area and hiked the 2.6 mile loop.  I had stopped in there once before, just to check the place out as a possible hunting location, but I hadn’t gone far.  It’s a […]