Cheaper Malice

An anagram

Ultra-Wide Angle

I finally own the so-called “Holy Trinity” of Canon zoom lenses.  I acquired my original Canon EOS camera outfit, including the 24-70mm f/2.8 and 70-200 f/2.8 lenses, in 2005.  Since then, I have wanted to round out my lens collection with a 16-35mm ultra-wide angle zoom lens.  It isn’t useful for model photography, so it […]

November Minutiae

Anyone who tells you that Cat’s Cradle is science-fiction is fucking with you.  Or else they don’t know what science-fiction is.  Yes, it contains a bit of science-fiction as a plot element.  Yes, the science is reasonably sound.  It also contains a made-up religion, but no one categorizes it as a religious text.  It is […]