Cheaper Malice

An anagram

Will a Female President Harm Women’s Rights?

[Disclaimer: This is not, of course, a suggestion that we should try to avoid having a female President. Rather, it is an attempt to see the future.] The election of Barack Obama to the office of President was a huge win for Black Americans. However, it had an unforeseen side effect. The insult to racist […]

Incel and Feminism

Ever since the Toronto van attack brought the Incel movement into public awareness, people around me have periodically made statements expressing bafflement at their violence, rationale, and rhetoric.  Indeed, their violence, rationale, and rhetoric — or at least the sensational bits pounced upon by the media — are illogical. However, it has occurred to me that […]

If Feminism is About Equality, Then Why is it Called Feminism?

There are various counter movements to feminism.  One of them even has the ridiculous name of “Meninism”.  They aren’t very large, or organized, and there’s not a section of the book store devoted to them.  Their aims are all over the map, some more noble than others, and this is obviously a reflection of the […]