Cheaper Malice

An anagram

Smart Watches pt. 1

Exploring Android development has sparked my interest in smart watches.  I see I have a lot to learn. Until now, I have ignored the smart watch market.  This is mainly because I’ve stopped wearing a watch.  I used to wear one all the time, but I’ve noticed that they have become somewhat unfashionable.  Among the […]


I learned the Pascal programming language in high school, during the 80’s.  I could have learned it on my own before that, but since my school was offering it, I figured I would learn it there.  The class was thorough, I caught on quickly, and I still remember most of it.  Later I bought a […]

Adobe Overload

For years, I did my photo editing with the GIMP and BreezeBrowser Pro.  About a year ago, I finally made the jump to PhotoShop CS5 because I needed more control over RAW conversion, and I have been very happy with it. I have gradually been getting more serious about video.  Up until recently, I had […]