Boat Choices

I am a little surprised that I don’t know any fishermen.

I have identified a few areas now that are a little difficult to reach by land, but which could easily be reached by boat.  Howell Island was the first.  The chute is impassible most of the time.  If I had a boat, I could cross the chute, but I could also navigate around to the Missouri River side of the island and put myself down right where I want to hunt.  Pacific Palisades is another place.  I could float across the Meramec River and right into parts of the conservation area which are isolated by the inlet.  I haven’t explored Dresser Island yet, but I suspect it is a situation similar to Howell Island.  If I had a boat, I could hunt lands that host hunters cannot reach.

Ideally, I would have a friend with a nice fishing boat, and I would borrow it a few times in the fall and winter when he isn’t using it.  Then I wouldn’t have to store or maintain a boat, let alone pay for one.  However, it appears that I don’t know anyone with such a boat.  So, I am faced with the burden of having a boat of my own.

My brother wants a boat, too.  He wants something he can tool around in, just for fun.  I wanted the same thing when I was a teenager, but I eventually figured out how impractical that would be.

The big question at this point is whether to get a boat with a motor or one without.  A larger canoe would be great in most cases.  It would be perfect for Pacific Palisades, and it would be fine for crossing the chute at Howell Island.  However, I am worried that I won’t be able to fight the current on the Missouri River if I don’t have a motor.  As for Tim’s recreational desires, he believes a motor is a necessity.  This ultimately boils down to a choice between a $1000 boat and a $2500 boat.