Cheaper Malice

An anagram

Small Musings

This year was the most un-Christmas-like holiday I’ve ever had.  We did nothing at all for Christmas, most of the family not arriving until later, and all of us too broke to buy gifts for anyone other than the kids.  Then when the kids were here, all of my effort was directed toward feeding, entertaining, […]

Faking It

Every now and then, people talk about pick-up artists and deplore the deceitfulness they perceive.  These are generally people who have heard about the pick-up community and maybe read a little about it.  They don’t really understand it, they don’t really believe it works, and they certainly feel they wouldn’t want the techniques to be […]


In some ways, I have a strong sense for music, and I am fairly clueless in other ways.  For example, there is always music in my head, running in the background, often unnoticed.  I have fairly broad musical tastes.  On the other hand, I usually don’t pay much attention to lyrics, and my memory is […]