Cheaper Malice

An anagram

Ultra-Wide Angle

I finally own the so-called “Holy Trinity” of Canon zoom lenses.  I acquired my original Canon EOS camera outfit, including the 24-70mm f/2.8 and 70-200 f/2.8 lenses, in 2005.  Since then, I have wanted to round out my lens collection with a 16-35mm ultra-wide angle zoom lens.  It isn’t useful for model photography, so it […]


I was never a hat person until I started hunting.  Wearing a blaze orange hat is a requirement* for hunting in Missouri. However, it turns out that a hat is functional beyond making me visible to other hunters.  For one thing, it keeps you warm.  Keeping your head warm will do more to preserve body […]

Incel and Feminism

Ever since the Toronto van attack brought the Incel movement into public awareness, people around me have periodically made statements expressing bafflement at their violence, rationale, and rhetoric.  Indeed, their violence, rationale, and rhetoric — or at least the sensational bits pounced upon by the media — are illogical. However, it has occurred to me that […]