Cheaper Malice

An anagram

Shears and Snips

The “good” titanium plated scissors I was using for cutting fabric were not shaped well for trimming the seam allowance on flat felled seams.  Since I expect to be doing quite a few of those, I looked at the store for a better pair.  I splurged and bought a small pair of knife edge dressmaker’s […]

What is not Taught about Pre-Nazi History

Concerning the Holocaust, the phrase “never forget, never again” is frequently thrown around.  The idea is that knowledge of the past can help us prevent repeating the same mistakes.  However, I wonder if we are remembering the wrong part of that history.  Particularly, the historical circumstances that led us to the Holocaust.  I wonder this […]

Smart Watches pt. 1

Exploring Android development has sparked my interest in smart watches.  I see I have a lot to learn. Until now, I have ignored the smart watch market.  This is mainly because I’ve stopped wearing a watch.  I used to wear one all the time, but I’ve noticed that they have become somewhat unfashionable.  Among the […]