Cheaper Malice

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If Feminism is About Equality, Then Why is it Called Feminism?

There are various counter movements to feminism.  One of them even has the ridiculous name of “Meninism”.  They aren’t very large, or organized, and there’s not a section of the book store devoted to them.  Their aims are all over the map, some more noble than others, and this is obviously a reflection of the […]

November Minutiae

Anyone who tells you that Cat’s Cradle is science-fiction is fucking with you.  Or else they don’t know what science-fiction is.  Yes, it contains a bit of science-fiction as a plot element.  Yes, the science is reasonably sound.  It also contains a made-up religion, but no one categorizes it as a religious text.  It is […]

Still More Things

I have rather suddenly developed an interest in local history.  Most specifically, I’ve decided I want to know all there is to know about Flamm City, a place that was probably never actually any kind of a city, but which has intrigued me for many years.  I’ve discovered a ton of historical resources at the […]